Oil-Free Arugula salad with Mandarin oranges

A healthy easy week night dinner salad with oil-free dressing!

Welcome to Ankitha Gadag recipes. I am your “host” Ankitha Gadag. Ankitha is the recipe curator behind all of the original recipes found here on Ankitha Gadag’s Recipes. 


This light and refreshing salad is fantastic when paired with a nice fresh piece of salmon. Most people feel the need to pair a vinegar with an oil. What’s great about this salad is that it’s able to achieve great flavor & texture through champagne vinegar with no added oil! Have you guys tried champagne vinegar yet? I am new to this phenomenon but a definite fan 🙂

To get started, you will need:

  • 1 mandarin orange


  • 1/4th cup crushed walnutsankitha-gadag-walnuts
  • 1 cup arugula salad
  • 1/4 th cup shaved Parmesan cheese
  • drizzle of champagne vinegar
  • handful of raisins
  • S & P to taste


  1. Combine all ingredients in a large bowl and serve!  Easy Peezy!



Hope you guys enjoy this delicious salad. Let me know how it tastes!


Author: Ankitha Gadag

Recipe Curator & Tastemaker behind AnkithaGadagRecipes!

12 thoughts on “Oil-Free Arugula salad with Mandarin oranges”

  1. I have nominated you for a Blogger Recognition Award. Please check out the following link: https://cookandenjoyrecipes.wordpress.com/2016/10/19/blogger-recognition-award-2/
    You are not in any way obligated to accept. You may not have the time or liking to partake in these self-and-others-promoting exercises. It would be awesome and I will truly appreciate if you see your way open to accept the award and nomination, as you’re a well deserving recipient, but if not, no worries.
    Keep up the good work, keep blogging and have fun.
    The Recipe Hunter – Esmé

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