
ankitha-gadag.jpgankitha-gadag.JPGHey there!

My name is Ankitha Gadag. Originally from Chicago, IL, I am new to Austin and new to the blogging world. I have always had  a (sometimes) healthy passion for food and cooking.  At the very core of my being, I am a foodie. I care for people I love by cooking for them. They say, Austin is a city of hobbies so I decided why not take the best of both worlds – my passion for food and my expertise in technology and so, “Ankitha Gadag’s Recipes” was born.

One of my favorite things to do, is restaurant hopping (yes, I just made this term up) and critiquing eccentric dishes. I want to taste the vision the chef had in mind and perhaps, learn a thing or two myself about incorporating interesting flavors. Having lived in numerous cities, 10 different states and 3 different countries, I have an appreciation for international foods. You will find a lot of varieties with my recipes, and I love taking elements from different cultures to blend into my own creation. This makes the recipes you find here unique.

Thank you for visiting, and I hope you enjoy the recipes as much as I do coming up with them. As always, I love feed back, so if you have comments/suggestions/other… let me know!!!





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